16 MHz to 96 MHz crystal offers tight stability over time and temperature

The ECX-1637B, from ECS Inc., is a very compact, surface-mount crystal which is ideal for wireless and IoT applications. 

Compact ECX-1637B from ECS Inc. fits in small wireless applications.

Housed in a 2.0 mm x 1.6 mm x 0.45 mm ceramic package, the ECX-1637B supports frequencies in a range from 16 MHz to 96 MHz with a standard frequency tolerance of ±10 ppm. Multiple frequency stability options over the operating-temperature range of -30°C to 85°C include devices with stability as tight as ±10 ppm. Aging in the first year is just ±1 ppm at 25°C. 

ECS also supplies versions with an extended temperature range operating at a maximum of 125°C.


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