New MOSFETs double safe operating area to provide extra headroom for hot-swap and soft-start
Application-specific MOSFETs from Nexperia that feature optimized on-resistance and wide SOA can manage large inrush currents in 12 V power systems.
Nexperia has extended its portfolio of application-specific MOSFETs, or ASFETs for hot-swap and soft-start applications with the introduction of 10 new 25 V and 30 V devices.

The new ASFETs combine a wider safe operating area (SOA) with very low on-resistance, making them ideal for use in 12 V hot-swap power systems, such as those found in data center servers and communications equipment.
In hot-swap applications, damage caused by high inrush current can impair the reliability of standard low-voltage MOSFETs. The Nexperia ASFETs for hot-swap and soft-start applications eliminate this problem by providing an enhanced SOA, marking their ability to withstand high current bursts generated when the power supply to the host equipment is momentarily interrupted.
For example, the PSMNR67-30YLE ASFET offers a 2.2x stronger SOA than previous technologies could provide. Strengthening a MOSFET to increase SOA normally entails a trade-off of higher on-resistance, but in the PSMNR67-30YLE maximum on-resistance is as low as 0.7 mΩ.
In addition, the Spirito effect, in which the SOA curve has a steeper downward slope at higher voltages, has been eliminated. The ASFETs’ exceptional performance is also maintained across the full voltage and temperature range.
Part Number | Breakdown Voltage | Maximum On-resistance at 10 V | Maximum Drain Current | SOA Current Capability at 12 V for 10 ms |
PSMNR56-25YLE | 25 V | 0.63 mΩ | 320 A | 40 A |
PSMNR68-25YLE | 25 V | 0.77 mΩ | 285 A | 30 A |
PSMNR89-25YLE | 25 V | 0.98 mΩ | 270 A | 27 A |
PSMNR98-25YLE | 25 V | 1.11 mΩ | 255 A | 23 A |
PSMN1R6-25YLE | 25 V | 1.88 mΩ | 185 A | 16 A |
PSMNR67-30YLE | 30 V | 0.70 mΩ | 365 A | 40 A |
PSMNR82-30YLE | 30 V | 0.87 mΩ | 330 A | 30 A |
PSMN1R0-30YLE | 30 V | 1.11 mΩ | 275 A | 27 A |
PSMN1R1-30YLE | 30 V | 1.26 mΩ | 265 A | 23 A |
PSMN2R1-30YLE | 30 V | 2.17 mΩ | 160 A | 16 A |