Superjunction MOSFET with integrated temperature sensor for improved reliability and longer lifetime

The CoolMOS™ S7T family from Infineon enables more accurate measurement of junction temperature to provide superior protection against overload faults and thermal stress for longer lifetime and higher reliability in solid-state relays and circuit breakers.

The CoolMOS S7T is a new family of 600 V silicon superjunction MOSFETs from Infineon which includes an integrated temperature sensor to improve the accuracy of junction temperature sensing. 

The S7T MOSFETs are intended for use as a power switch in solid-state relays and circuit breakers to provide superior performance and reliability thanks to their lower on-resistance and the highly accurate embedded sensor.

The integrated temperature sensor provides up to 40% higher accuracy and four times faster response time than a standard independent on-board sensor located near the source. In a power circuit containing multiple S7T chips, the on-chip sensor enables temperature to be monitored device-by-device for improved reliability.

When used in solid-state relays, the CoolMOS S7T MOSFETs produce much higher performance than traditional relays. For instance in a 2 A relay, total power dissipation can be improved up to two times, while today’s solid-state triac solutions are more than five times less efficient. Improved efficiency and the ability to handle higher loads help in reducing power consumption and energy costs. 

When combined with the iSSI30R12H gate driver, the S7T MOSFET junction temperature feedback provides overload protection for solid-state relays.

The S7T MOSFETs are supplied in TOLL and Q-DPAK top-side-cooled packages.


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