The CY7113 EZ-PDā¢ PMG1-S3 prototyping kit is a development platform to design products which can be powered from a high-voltage USB PD port, and also need a microcontroller with CAPSENSEā¢ capability to implement different features.
This kit implements USB PD sink capability. It also supports two self-capacitance-based CAPSENSEā¢ buttons and one 5-segment slider.
Note: The PMG1-S3 MCU is capable of supporting 140 W (28 V, 5A) of USB PD operation and the kit is designed to support the same. However the initial firmware shipped with the kit supports only 100 W (20 V, 5 A) operation. Future versions of the firmware shall enable 140 W operation. The kit hardware may require some updates to support 140 W operation. For further details, contactĀ Infineon technical support.