The PIC32 WFI32E Curiosity Board is an easy-to-use tool for evaluating the performance of the WFI32E01PC Wi-Fi microcontroller module, which contains the PIC32MZW1, a highly integrated IoT system core combining a 32-bit MCU with Wi-Fi® connectivity.
The board is a fully functional development platform which supports system-level prototype design and IoT cloud connectivity with voice control enablement.
The board connects embedded applications to cloud IoT platforms such as AWS and Azure.
- Azure Certified Device with Azure Plug-and-Play capability
- AWS FreeRTOS certified
- Amazon Frustration Free Setup certified
Users can expand the board’s functionality through the use of MikroElectronika mikroBUS Click adapter boards, and a header supports Microchip XPRO add-on boards.
The PIC32 WFI32E Curiosity Board has the PICkit On-board debugger based on a PIC24FJ256GB106 USB MCU. Additionally, it supports external debuggers, such as MPLAB REAL ICE or MPLAB ICD 3 by connecting to the ICSPTM header.
Useful link: Matter design project files on Github