The STM32C0116-DK Discovery kit from STMicroelectronics provides a convenient platform for exploring the features of the STM32C0 family of microcontrollers. The board includes an STM32C011F6 MCU in a 20-pin UFQFPN package, and an onboard ST-LINK/V2-1 to debug and program the MCU.
The STM32C0116-DK Discovery kit is operated by plugging it into a PC through a standard USB Type-A or USB Type-C®-to-Micro-B cable.
Key features of the board are:
- User LED
- Reset push-button
- 5‑way joystick using a single ADC input pin
- STM32 UFQFPN20-to-DIL20 module
- Board connectors:
- USB Micro-B
- DIL20 socket
- Dedicated LCD footprint
- Grove (UART)
- 2 x 10‑pin headers for MCU daughterboard
- Extension connectors
- Comprehensive free software libraries and examples available with the STM32Cube MCU package
- Supports a wide choice of integrated development environments including IAR Embedded Workbench®, MDK-ARM, and STM32CubeIDE