Infrared LEDs offer high optical power output
VSMA1094750X02 and VSMA1085750X02 IR LEDs from Vishay are suitable for use in emerging applications for IR illumination such as occupant monitoring in the cabin of a vehicle.
The VSMA1094750X02 and VSMA1085750X02, part of the Vishay SurfLight™ portfolio, are high-power infrared LEDs supplied in a lensed surface-mount package. The VSMA1094750X02 has a peak wavelength at 945 nm, and the VSMA1085750X02 at 850 nm.
The LEDs are based on a double-stack emitter chip which produces very high radiant power. The robust 42 mil chip supports a continuous drive current of up to 1.5 A, and can handle pulsed currents of up to 5.0 A. The LEDs’ radiant power is a minimum of 370 mW/sr at a drive current of 1.5 A.
The compact VSMA1094750X02 and VSMA1085750X02 have a footprint of 3.4 mm x 3.4 mm and are 1.5 mm high.