The B-G473E-ZEST1S Discovery kit, a part of the STMicroelectronics motor-control development platform, supports the ZeST and HSO algorithms.
The B-G473E-ZEST1S is a control board featuring a STM32G473QET6 microcontroller in a ZeST Discovery pack. It works with a power board such as the STEVAL-LVLP01, an optional adaptor board such as the B-ZEST-ADAPT1, and an accessories package such as the B-MOTOR-PMSMA1.
The B-G473E-ZEST1S control board is connected to the power board or adaptor board through an embedded V2 motor-control connector. The board can also operate with the X-NUCLEO-IHM08M1, X-NUCLEO-IHM09M1, or X-NUCLEO-IHM16M1 motor-driver expansion boards via a Morpho motor-control connector.
The board includes an integrated STLINK-V3EC in-circuit debugger and programmer.